Que se passe-t-il quand notre respiration est diminuée sous l’emprise de l’anxiété ?
Imaginez un peu que vous entrez dans votre corps : le diaphragme thoracique, situé juste sous les seins, part d’en avant jusqu’en arrière et sépare le corps en deux espaces. En haut le thorax, en bas, l’abdomen.
Ce muscle se tend comme une voile lorsque nous inspirons. Il compresse alors doucement le foie, la rate, l’estomac et les intestins et tend légèrement l’œsophage. Lorsque nous expirons, il se détend et tous ces organes reprennent leur espace initial.
Si on visualise que chaque organe est empli de liquide, d’eau, de sécrétions, de sang, on peut imaginer que la compression du diaphragme les vide et que la détente leur permet de s’emplir des liquides environnants.
Notre respiration thoracique permet donc, en plus de nous assurer d’avoir de l’air frais dans les poumons, de nettoyer et nourrir les organes eux-mêmes. Notre simple respiration fait ce travail pour eux, sans qu’on ait à s’en occuper. Notre job est seulement de respirer…profondément.
Avez-vous pris le temps de détendre votre respiration en riant ou en pleurant, en criant ou en bougeant aujourd’hui ? Faites-le !!!!
#respire #rire #sante #prendreletemps #kimelainegosselin #lecorpshumain #anxiete
Very happy that you found something here helpful for you !
Kim Élaine
Go ! If sharing it can help anybody, go !
I am very happy that you appreciate what you read.
Hope to bring you more.
Kim Elaine
Hi Sbobet Tembak Ikan,
There is only kindness in the guidance we receive…even to find an appropriate article.
Hope your guidance brings you back !
Kim Elaine
thanks for your comment and your kindness. Have you read in French ? Since I never translated my articles, I wander if there wasn’t any automatic translation… I am very careful with language so I am curious…And this gives me the hint that May be I should assume my own translation…
Hope to hear about you soon,
Kim Élaine
you are totally right. Taboo is not something to support. I like to open the subjects and go into the matter, whatever darkness may get out…
Kim Elaine
Dear Noe,
I first was helped with a young lady who would do the mechanical part of posting while I was writing on the subject.
Then, I found myself alone when she decided to go for a full time job and could not help me anymore. I stopped for few years…my own work, body work, took me all my time.
Since the Covid-19 crisis, I was forced to stop working and had so much time; just recently, I decided to go back to it.
Yes, this takes a lot of time but it is worth conveying a message to the people.
Does this answer your question ?
Kim Elaine
Hi Raymond,
thanks for writing me.
Experts from http://www.pixocreation.com made this site for me, in another shape, few years ago. I know they are not that fond of Word Press….yet, the Word Press’s user-friendly helped me modify few things afterwards. I am not familiar with the programmation and all their language. So I did few boo-boos that made me understand that it is better asking someone who knows well this field.
If you speak french, there is a site, http://www.lamallette.ca who sells two little books (40 et 50 box each) with exercices to help you begin your blog on the web. There is also a package called DIY who allows you a deeper dive into the blogging.
Hope this answers a little bit.
Kim Elaine
I am sure if you google something like « blog creating and marketing » you could find few nice tools on the web.
I am french so what I used, lately, is http://www.lamallette.ca and buy 2 little ebooks on the subject (40 to 50 box each) of the blog : « Mes conseils de blogueuse » et « Rocker et monétiser son blogue ». This does the job. Very well explained to begin with. And a lot of work to gaze into…
My site associated to this blog is first made for a contact with my customers. So I did not hesitate to hire experts. But all depends on your context.
Hope this helps you…
Kim Elaine
I guess there is a mistake on the writer…is it possible to see what you read and where ? My blog provides information on the health of the body, the physiology and the biology…
Kim Elaine